testimonials and reviews

Some of the writers I’ve had the pleasure of working with have kindly offered some feedback on the experience:

Thank you very lovely @KClarkWriter for your astute critique on my MG WIP. I recommend you to any writer looking for honest, kind, knowledgeable feedback 😊 Mentoring, Editing & Reading Services https://t.co/V92sH4LfZU

Ele Nash 📕💙 she/her (@elenashart) August 23, 2021

‘Thank you for your insightful critique.  Though I was nervous to share my work, your kind words put me at ease.  The detailed report gave constructive feedback on plot, structure, character and style with suggestions of how I could improve my story.  Your questions challenged me to think of ways to develop more tension in my writing.  It was great to have the opportunity to respond to suggestions and share ideas for future changes.  I would certainly recommend your critique service to other writers.’  Marie Day @mariedaywriting

Marie has gone on to have success in writing contests and is now running her own creative writing classes!

I worked with Marie through the #WriteMentor Sparks Programme. In addition to mentoring, this scheme provides a forum for writers to engage with each other, participate in craft chats, discussions with industry experts, and access to other materials.

‘Kathryn first critiqued my work almost five years ago, when we met on the MA in Writing for Young People at Bath Spa University. I count myself very lucky indeed that we continue to work together to this day. Kathryn is a hugely talented writer, and shares her extensive knowledge of writing craft with generosity and kindness. Over the last few years she has given me valuable feedback at all levels, from synopsis-writing and story structure, through pacing, motivation, characterisation and voice, all the way down to line edits.

Kathryn understands how hard it is to share work, and how nerve-wracking it can be waiting for a critique to be returned. She is thoughtful in reporting progress, and presents her opinions gently but clearly, taking care to tailor the quantity and detail of her feedback to the needs of the recipient. I highly recommend her writing services.’ Sarah House @sarahannhouse

‘Kathryn’s full critique of my manuscript was thoughtful and precise, helpfully praising the elements that worked, as well as pinpointing areas that needed focus and clarity. Her feedback enabled me to look at my story with fresh eyes and tackle edits with renewed vigour. When I was done, I knew my writing and story had improved enormously.’ Julie Pike, author of The Last Spell Breather. @Juliepike

‘I liked that Kathryn had lots of experience editing and critiquing as part of her MA in Writing for Children. Particularly though, I was drawn to her because she came across as empathetic and supportive, when she emphasized the need to be kind to potentially nervous writers. The liking for Earl Grey Tea was the clincher … Just changing my opening to improve pacing and heighten the tension, being more explicit about certain issues – all that gave my start so much more impact and focus. Which meant that when I went to a literary festival with my newly written chapters, and when I entered a competition, my work immediately attracted interest.‘ Lydia Messiah @lydia_massiah

Lydia was my mentee for #WriteMentor 2018. You can read an interview about our experience, and the exciting things that happened next for Lydia here.