what I offer
I provide one off reports on ‘finished’ work, and regular or ad hoc mentoring for work in progress for newbie writers through to published and self-published authors. I also provide support with submissions and writing craft development.
I believe in giving kind, constructive feedback, and my aim is to help writers on to the next step of their journey, whether that be submission to agents and publishers, self-publication, or developing writing as a hobby. Choose what’s best for you – do you need help with a synopsis, a tricky chapter, or a full report? See below for my rates.
My qualifications and experience can be found here and testimonials here.
Please get in touch via the contact form or direct message on Twitter in the first instance to discuss where you are with your writing and the help needed. We will agree a plan and price that best suits your situation.

Getting ready to submit to agents?
Margin notes and short report
One-page single spaced 12pt font: £40.00
Query/ Submission Package
(Synopsis, Query Letter, Opening Chapters)
Full line edit, margin notes and short report
Up to 10,000 words: £120.00

Full manuscript Review
For a finished manuscript, a review of structure, narrative style and voice, characterisation, plot, and any specific areas you need support with. Detailed feedback with comments in document and a full report.
Per 1,000 words: £9.00
Early draft chapters or chunks
For the early stages of a novel, rough work, outlining, brainstorming etc. Comments in document and a brief report.
Per 1,000 words: £8.00
Beta read
This is suitable for a polished manuscript that is ready to go on submission. The purpose is to check overall sense, continuity, and pick up any inconsistencies. Although it’s not a copy edit, any typos or errors spotted will be highlighted.
Per 1,000 words: £5.00

Procrastinator’s package
Do you work better if you have a deadline? Do you need chivvying or chasing up?
- Free initial discussion about your writing objectives and how you can achieve them
- Weekly or monthly word count deadlines set
- Chasing if required
- Feedback as agreed.
Tailor made plan for you: From £25.00 per month
Work in progress support
Working on a first draft?
Want to develop your craft?
Plot holes?
Narrative style?
Brainstorming session?
Tailor made plan for you: From £25.00 per month
Short stories and flash fiction
up to 1,000 words: £15.00
up to 2,500 words: £30.00
Mentoring with #WriteMentor
I also work with the wonderful Stuart White and many other mentors to offer support to pre-agented writers.
#WriteMentor Spark
This programme is a paid for scheme that aims to give mentoring on a work in progress, alongside craft chats, industry expert interviews and discussions, and opportunities to pitch to agents. Most importantly, it encourages a community of writers who can form critique groups and support each other. There are several levels which can be paid for on a monthly basis. This scheme is particularly helpful for writers who’d like to build a writing support network. You don’t need to have a finished manuscript to be part of the programme.
#WriteMentor Summer Programme
I have previously mentored for the summer programme. This is free to pre-agented writers of YA, MG or PB with a completed manuscript in English. It involves applying and being selected and has led to many success stories.