It’s me!
It feels a little cheeky to have an author page 8 months prior to publication but when I discovered my novel is on Amazon, I thought, why not? Although the cover remains as yet unrevealed THINGS I LEARNED WHILE I WAS DEAD is available for pre-order already.
An unexpected bonus of having an Amazon author page is that I can recommend other authors’ books.

I read A LOT and write reviews in my head all the time, but rarely (never) do I put those words onto the page or screen. So the short, character-limited reviews on the author page are pretty much my first foray into reviewing. Which is odd when I spend most of my time reviewing the work of yet-to-be-published writers.
It was always my intention to put reviews on this site. For readers, but also for writers – to show how an author achieves something amazing in their work. How they use point of view, for example, or differentiate character voices. I think it could be useful.
I’ll add it to the TO DO list …